

Betekenis van Namasté 
Namasté komt van het sanskriet - Namaskaar - wat betekent:
Ik eer, of buig voor, het Goddelijke in jou.
In het Sanskriet betekent "namas" buiging en "té" betekent naar u.


Ik eer de plaats in jou
waarin het hele universum is.
Ik eer de plaats in jou die liefde,
waarheid, licht en vrede is.

Als jij daar bent, in jou, waar liefde,
waarheid, licht en vrede is
en ik ben daar, in mij, waar liefde,
waarheid, licht en vrede is,

dan zijn we Één


De Namasté begroeting is een groet waarbij met de handpalmen tegen elkaar voor 
de borst een buiging wordt gemaakt. De begroeting zelf, het gebaar, wordt in de variaties van de taal van het subcontinent ook wel "Namaskaram","Namaskara" en "Namaskar" genoemd.





Durf je hart te openen voor zielsverbinding.

Niets zo mooi om de liefde door de ogen van de ander in jezelf te ontmoeten.

Jouw spiegelbeeld.

SPRING en geef jezelf de vrijgeving.



Hier onder een link van Drunvalo Melchizedek  

 The Birth of a New Humanity




Lyrics Maya... Children of The Sun

Awaken to the memory
Of the wisdom of the rhythm of the moon
We can live in peace and harmony
With the wisdom of the rhythm of the moon

Children of the sun
As we walk here upon the earth
To the rhythm of the moon
To the rhythm of the moon
Children of the sun
As we live here upon this land

Remember we are one
Remember we are one

Child of the sun, you are being called to wakefulness
To your place in the new myth
And the time is now
A new harmonic of light is being sounded on the earth
Ringing in the frequencies of ecstasy, union and love

Singing (intro)
Awaken to the memory
Of the wisdom of the rhythm of the moon
We can live in peace and harmony
With the wisdom of the rhythm of the moon

Child of the sun
Look to the stars and listen to Maya's message of time
Time to realign ourselves with the rhythm of the moon
To restore our lost sense of oneness
Children of the sun
We must wake up and remember again our journey as one family
One species, and one destiny for all mankind

Children singing (chorus)
We are children of the sun
And we walk here upon the earth
To the rhythm of the moon
To the rhythm of the moon
We are children of the sun
And we live here upon this land

Remember we are one
Remember we are one

To follow the rhythm of the moon
Is to place all earth's children in whole earth time at once
In whole earth time we can learn to cooperate again
In cooperation and in service to the earth
There can be peace, autonomy
Equality and abundance for all
Children of the sun
Let us make use of the gift of time
Bequeathed to us by the ancient Maya
Let us carry Maya's wisdom in our hearts
As we swim the seas of creation
On our journey into oneness with the Earth
The Universe and the Source of all things
As we continue on our journey HOME

Singing (chorus)
We are children of the sun
As we walk here upon the earth

To the rhythm of the moon
To the rhythm of the moon

We are children of the sun
As we live here upon this land

Remember we are one
Remember we are one


Words and music written by Francine Jarry
Narration written by Jose Arguelles (The Mayan Factor)
Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner (The Mayan Oracle)
Ken Carey (The Starseed Transmissions) & Francine Jarry
Music produced & arranged by Peter Mika
Cover art designed by Jose Arguelles



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